
Ube rice riot background







 1) Establishment of coal mining city


Increase in coal output and population

   The population of Ube Village increased to 35,165 in 1918 (Taisho 7).   In the first census conducted in 1920 (Taisho 9), Ube-Village was the second-largest village in Japan.  (The first place was Hirano-Village, Suwa-County, Nagano, which was the center of the silk industry (now Okaya City)).

  In 1918, more than 80% of the population engaged in urban businesses such as commerce, industry and mining.  In addition, the population of the urban area was more than 25,000, and the coal mine barn formed a corner of the urban area.  From this, I think that Ube Village has grown into a coal mining city in 1918, when the rice riot occurred.

  In 1921 (Taisho 10), Ube Village implemented the municipal organization.


Ube coal mine coal output and Ube village population increase during World War I

グラフは管理者作成(『山口県史研究 第24号』4頁掲載)。(拡大可・以下同じ)。

The graph is created by the administrator ("Yamaguchi Prefectural History Study No. 24", page 4). (Click to enlarge ・ The same applies to the following).


②沖ノ山・東見初炭鉱鉱夫(1934)と予審回付者(1919)の出身地の比較 (2) Comparison of the birthplaces of Okinoyama / Higashimizome Coal Miner (1934) and suspects to have been sent to Preliminary Trial  (1919)

Source: Okinoyama Coal Mine / Higashimizome Coal Mine Miner "Ube Coal Mine Labor Situation" Survey at the end of May 1934. Suspects to had been sent to Preliminary Trial "The final decision for the preliminary trial of Ube-Mura rioting case in Yamaguchi Prefecture" (March 1918)

表は管理者作成(『山口県史研究 第24号』5頁に掲載)。The table was created by the administrator (published on page 5 of "Yamaguchi Prefectural History Study No. 24").








 ②Comparison of the hometowns of OkinoyamaHigashimizome coal miner and preliminary court defendants

  The increase in the population of Ube Village during the First World War was not caused by the merger with neighboring villages or the increase in the number of births based in Ube Village.  Population growth was brought about by social factors, such as miners moving to and from Ube Village from inside and outside the prefecture. 

  The left side of the above table is the birthplace of 7,981 people from Okinoyama Coal Mine and Higashimizome Coal Mine in 1934 (Showa 9).  On the right is the birthplace (home address) of 373 defendants who were indicted in a trial (preliminary trial) of Ube Rice Riot in 1918 (Taisho 7).

  A comparison of the middle Taisho (1918) on the left with the first half of the Showa era (1934) on the right shows that the ratio of Korean miners has increased sharply from the Taisho era to the early Showa era (0.8% → 14.8%).

  Except for Korean miners, there is no significant difference between the miners' hometowns in the middle of Taisho and the early Showa era.  It can be seen that there were many migrants (later settled in Ube) from rural areas in the Chugoku Mountain ridge of Hiroshima Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture, which is a winter snow area.  In the early Showa era, the proportion of singles was decreasing (40% → 20%), partly due to the continuing depression of the rural area, and the number of miners who settled in barns (company housing) with their families increased.

  The proportion of birthplaces of rice riot participants in the Taisho and Showa eras and the birthplace of miners were almost the same. Approximately half of the participants in the rice riot came from outside the prefecture, and many were single.




新聞記事を管理者がグラフ化。The administrator graphed newspaper articles.






 (2)Rising rice prices and labor disputes


① Rising rice prices and demand for wage increase

  Prices up to 42 sen on August 15, 1918 are market prices.  

  On August 21, the price of white rice dropped sharply to 25 sen.  This is a bargain price obtained by replenishing the price difference from the market price (40 sen or more) with donations and subsidies, and is not a market price. 

  The miners' wages at the start of the rice riot were the same as those at the time of 25 sen before the rise in rice prices.  As a result, when rice prices soared, miners demanded higher wages, but the riots developed because the company managers did not raise wages immediately.

  After the bargain sale period ended, the price of white rice returned to the 40-sen range, but the impact on living was reduced as Ube Coal Mines Union Company increased wages of miners by 30%.




"Prices of Shinkawa" ・ Okinoyama Itsudan(5-dan) lump coal price and miner's wage increase request ・ Answer from the coal mine side ("Ube Jiho", "Bakan Mainichi Shimbun", "Komesodoki")

表は管理者が作成(『山口県史研究 第24号』15頁掲載)。The table was created by the administrator ("Yamaguchi Prefectural History Study No. 24", page 15).









 Rise of rice price and coal price and the occurrence of labor disputes in Taisho 6-7

  The price of rice was 17.5 sen for 1sho150g)of rice in early 1917, but it reached 25 sen in September of the same year.  However, Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company did not comply with miners' wage-raising request.  Therefore,  The miners of Okinoyama Coal Mine launched the first full-scale strike (meeting and strike) in the same month, and wages were raised by 15.  A wage increase of 15% was equivalent to mining one box of coal and raising the wage by five sen.

  The miner (“Sakiyama”) was mining by hand digging with a pickaxe.  Wages were piecework payment to secure coal production.  Miners work 20 days a month, digging an average of 5 boxes of coal a day, and estimate that the price per box before the riot was about 30 sen.


In June 1918, the rice price rose further to reach 30 sen, and  Okinoyama miner demanded 25 wage increase, but  Okinoyama Coal Mine Uunion Company (President ,Watanabe Sukesaku) did not accept.  Rice prices soared further when the government agreed to send troops to Siberia and decided to go to Siberia.  On August 11, the price of 1sho150g of white rice peaked at 48 sen.


  When rice prices soared and the rice riot spread across the country, miners demanded higher wages, but coal mining union companies delayed their response, intensifying the conflict between labor and capital.  A situation was anticipated in which alliance strikes and outbreaks of riots will occur, and meetings at Yamaguchi Prefectural Government and newspaper reports had pointed out the possibility of coal mining turmoil.

  However, the interest of the prefectural governor was not to raise wages, but to discuss rice bargains.  In addition, the president of each coal mining union companies at Ube Coal Mines, and security section manager did not seriously respond to the miner's demand for wage increases.  During this time, Ube Rice Riot broke out.







  Characteristics of Ube rice riot

  During the wartime economic boom, labor dispute for demand for wage increase intensified due to the delay in raising wages in response to the rise in rice prices, and this labor dispute triggered the rice riot.  

When the riot occurred, not only coal mining facilities and coal mine owners' houses, but also places that had benefited from the coal boom, such as shop and prostitute district in urban areas that did not have direct labor-capital relations, were targeted, and the riot spread to all villages

  Thus, one of the characteristics of Ube rice riot was that the riot evolved from a labor dispute and most of the mob were miners.
















(3) Ube Coal Mining Union Companies' status , job position and occupation


Status of Ube coal mine union companies |(President / Coal Mine staff (clerk) and miner)

  During Ube Rice Riot, 12 coal mine union companies were mining in Ube Village except for small ones that did not belong to Ube Coal Mines Union Company.  Of these, only the Okimizome Coal Mine under development (Suzuki Shoten Co., Ltd.) was a stock company and did not belong to Ube Coal Mines Union Company, and the other 11 Coal Mines were all belong to Ube Coal Mines Union Company.Of these, only the miners of Second-Miyaoki Coal Mine have not participated in the rice riot.

  The following is an example of the status of Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company, which is the central and representative coal mine of Ube Mining Union.

  President(called "Todori" in japanese ") and Coal Mine staff (Clerk) ≫

   In the first year of the Meiji era, Ube coal mines were funded by district Leaders in the village (distributing and owning union stocks according to the investment amount), and people from the villages mined jointly.  Over time, the investor delegated management to the President, did not perform coal mining, and received a profit distribution based on the stock of the union they owned.  Since the Sino-Japanese War during the First Industrial Revolution, miners who came in from outside the village began living in coal mine barns and began mining.

   In Meiji30/1997, after the Sino-Japanese War, Watanabe Sukesaku took office as president that is taking the unlimited responsibility, and Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company was established.  Initially, 300 shares were issued for 150 yen per share, and the union was established with a capital of 45,000 yen.  Sukesaku succeeded in developing an undersea coal mine after the Russo-Japanese War during the Second Industrial Revolution, and grew it into one of the best coal mines in Japan.  Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company developed into  Okinoyama Coal Mine Co., Ltd. in Showa3/1928 with a capital of 13 million yen (200 yen per share, 65,000 shares).  And it became Ube Industries, Ltd. in Showa17/1942.

   Okinoyama Coal Mine president and coal mine staff took over the traditions since the early Meiji era and worked at the same low salary as the President.  However, the president was paid a dividend because the owners of certain union shares took office, and Ube Coal Mine staff also received a dividend because some of the union shares were allocated.  In addition, the president and the coal mine staff were entitled to a year-end allowance, which was stipulated in the union terms, and their status were able to earn enormous income.

  At the time of the rice riot, Ube Coal Mine staff estimated that they had about seven times the income of a couple-working miner household and that rising rice prices had no impact on their lives.


  With the development of Ube Coal Mine after the Sino-Japanese War, miners came not only from within the village, but also from the villages within and outside the prefecture (Hiroshima, Shimane, etc.) alone or as a family.  The miner lived in a mine barn, lived under the care of the barn head, and engaged in coal mining.

  At the end of the Meiji era, Okinoyama Coal Mine reformed its management and mining operations to make it more efficient, and introduced a system of direct control, such as a coal mines union company paying miners directly.  The old structure, where barn heads managed miners, was reformed.  As a result, a system was established in which coal mine staff supervises miners by instructing "Junincho "(also called "Kumicho", boss of 10 miners ).  

  An exemplary miner was appointed as the miner's leader, "Junincho" ("Kumicho" ) .  The miners belonged to one of "Junincho "("Kumicho") and asked   "Junincho " to take care of living in the mine barn.  "Junincho " and the miner were status of miners and could not own shares of coal mine union shares owned by coal mine staff.




[職位] (沖ノ山炭鉱・昭和10年)

《坑外(納屋生活)》 [人事係)]・・・<鉱夫> 組長ー坑夫

《坑内》 [大棟梁(保安係長)ー棟梁(保安係)ー小頭(保安係助手)]・・・<鉱夫>伍長ー坑夫 



直接夫(坑夫)≫ 採炭場(切羽)での採掘に直接かかわる坑夫。

  • 採炭夫(先山(さきやま))・・大正期、石炭は採炭場切羽(きりは)の炭層から、一先(ひとさき)による手掘りで採炭していた。宇部炭鉱は、炭層がもろいため手掘りの採炭が容易であったので、戦前はコールピック機などの導入が本格化しなかった。先山(さきやま)は採炭場切羽で鶴嘴を使って採炭する男性のことです。後山(あとやま)は先山が採炭した石炭を炭車に積み込む作業をする女性(先山の妻・娘など)のことです。一先は先山と後山が組んだコンビのことです。
  • 掘進夫・・採炭場(切羽(きりは))を作るために坑道を掘る坑夫のこと。
  • 仕繰夫(しくりふ)・・坑道・採炭場の崩壊を防ぐための支柱を組む坑夫のこと。


  • 運搬夫・・山口・九州では棹取(さおとり)という。坑内の採炭場に炭車(レール上を動くトロッコ状の函)を配車し、炭車を運転して石炭を運び出す労働者。
  • 機械夫・・採炭した石炭を機械(蒸気機関→電動機(モーター))で斜坑、竪坑から地上に巻き上げる労働者。
  • 電工
  • 工作夫(炭坑大工)
  • 選炭夫・・石炭、ボタなどを選別する。主に女性労働者。
  • 仲仕(なかし)・・貯炭場に集積した石炭を船に積み込む仕事をした労働者。現在は、「仲仕」は差別用語なので使用しません。「港湾労働者」を使用します。
  • 雑夫  

Miner's job position / occupation

 [job position]Okinoyama Coal Mine・the Showa10/1935

 Outside the mine(coal mine barn life)》 [Personnel Section]・・・<Miner> ”Junincho "(also calld "Kumicho", boss of 10 miners ) Digger

 Within a coalpit  [“Otoryo”(so-called security section manager”Toryo” (so-called security chief)”Kogashira”(so-called security assistant]・・・<Miner> CorporalDigger



 ”Chokusetsufu”(Digger)  Miners who are directly involved in mining  at coal quarries(called "Kiriha".


Coal digeer (also called “Sakiyama”)・・In the Taisho era, coal was mined by hand digging by "Hitosaki" (miner consisting of a pair of men and women) from the coal seam at the working face(called "Kiriha" in japanese.  Ube Coal Mine had a brittle coal seam that made mining by hand easier, so before the war, the introduction of coal picking machines and other equipment did not go into full swing.  "Sakiyama" is a man who mines using a pickaxe at the working face"Kiriha".  "Atoyama" is a woman (a wife or daughter of a "Sakiyama", etc.) who loads coal mined by "Sakiyama" into a charcoal car.   “Hitosaki” is the combination of a "Sakiyama" and "Atoyama".

 ・"Kusshinfu" ・・Digger making a tunnel to a coal quarry("kiriha".

 ・"Shikurifu"・・A miner who sets up columns to prevent collapse of mine's tunnels and coal quarry("Kiriha").


《"Kansetsufu"Miners not directly involved in mining at coal quarries("Kiriha".


Transport worker・・In Yamaguchi and Kyushu, it is called “Saotori”.  The Transport worker distributes a coal minecart(dolly-shaped box moving on rails) to the coal quarries in underground and drives the coal minecart to carry out coal.

 ・Machinist・・Workers hoisting coal mined underground by machinery (steam engine → electric motor).  Coal was carried over the ground using  the inclined tunnel or vertical tunnel.

 Electrical worker

 Carpenter worker in coal mine

 Coal sorting worker・・Workers sorting coal size and rock(so-called "Bota") etc.  mainly female workers.

 ・Longshoreman(“Nakashi”)・・A worker who loads coal stored in a coal yard on a ship.  Currently, we do not use the term "Nakashi" because it is a discriminatory term.  Use the term” Dock worker”.










 Calorie consumption of a digger

  Coal mining was heavy labor and high calorie consumption.  In coal mines (such as copper mines and iron mines), adult male miners generally ate 1 sho of white rice from 8 go of white rice per day, and ingest calories .  "1 sho" of white rice is 1.5.  White rice 1.5 expands 2.2 times to 3.3 when cooked.  Assuming that 100g of rice is 168, 3.3 becomes 5544.  At the moment, the calorie consumption of adult boys with a lot of activity is 2400-3000 calories. 

  It was difficult to maintain a livelihood and manual labor unless the rise in rice prices and the increase in "Kirichin" (coal mining wages for a single coal box) were linked.   Barn fee for singles was based on "Kirichin" (coal mining wages for a single coal box) .






 炭鉱組合株は当初は売買できませんでした。日清戦争のころに組合株の売買取引を行う與助(よすけ・与助)という業者が生まれました。大正期には株の相場が地元紙で報道され與助の集会所ができて組合株の流通市場が確立しました(和座一清『慣習的共同企業の法的研究 ―いわゆる「宇部式匿名組合」を中心として―』50頁)。 



≪参考≫ 『大正一五年新沖山炭鉱組合規約』

「第一八条 当組合ニ左ノ役員及事務員ヲ置キ業務ヲ掌ラシム


頭取 壱、 取締役 拾、 事務長 壱、 監査役 参、 相談役 四




[和座一清『慣習的共同企業の法的研究 ―いわゆる「宇部式匿名組合」を中心として―』250頁]



 Coal Mine staff (clerk・・Engineers are also called clerks)

  The coal mining staff (clerk) of Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company has a portion of the his company's shares, and during the coal boom during World War I, there was a large share dividend in addition to salary ("Sixty Years' History of Ube Industry' " p. 2).   During the rice riot, the coal mining staff were estimated to earn more than 7times the income of a couple-working miner household , and soaring rice prices did not affect livelihood(Nishioka”Yamaguchi Kenshi Kenkyu”24 ).

  Okinoyama Coal Mine inTaisho7/1918, when the rice riot occurred, had 1932 employees ("Yamaguchi Prefectural History") and 41 (2%) President and Coal Mine staff (clerk).  The job position, occupation, and number of staff of the chief of president and coal mine staff are as follows: 1 president (officer with full responsibility for union management), 5 general affairs and cashiers, accountant,  security officers ("Otoryo"(a word similar to security section manager) 1 person and 9 security person in charge (called "Toryo" in japanese)) 10 persons, 5 mechanical personnel / technical / surveying personnel, 4 purchasing / storage personnel, 2 personnel personnel, 6 New Mining staff (one of the above duplicates) and 7 sales clerks ("The Ube Jiho").

  Coal mine stocks could not be traded initially.  Around the time of the Sino-Japanese War, a trader named "Yosuke" (so-called securities man), who trades union stocks, was born.  During the Taisho era, the stock market was reported in local newspapers, and Yosuke's meetinghouse was established, establishing a secondary market for union stocks.(Waza Kazukiyo Legal research on customary joint company Focusing on the so-called "Ube-style anonymous union"”   50 pages. )

  Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company became Okinoyama Coal Mine Co., Ltd. in Souwa3/1928, and the financial report has been published.



 Taisho 15 year,The Terms of New Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company

  Article 18 Assign officers and clerks to our union,and let them take charge of business.  However, the union can have employees to assist clerks if necessary.

  president 1,  director 10,  manager 1,  auditor 3,  consultant 4,   

  The above is the executive.  Director can also serve as manager.

general affairs, accounting, security, machinery, warehouse, purchase, sales, inspection of mass, personnel affairs, surveying, calculation.

  The above is the clerks.

(Waza Kazukiyo “Legal research on customary joint company -Focusing on the so-called "Ube-style anonymous union"”  250 pages).

(New-Okinoyama Coal Mine Union Company is a coal mining union company opened in Shin-Oki, Onoda-cho, Asa-gun.




 大正14年の史料(九州帝大工学部採鉱科第三部 加藤和幸『沖之山炭鑛実習報告 大正十四年』)では、沖ノ山炭鉱の「坑夫」は約1900名でした。(男子1300名、女子600(31.6%)名)でした。大正14年の沖ノ山炭鉱の鉱夫数の推計は約3200~4100名であるので、加藤の実習報告の「坑夫」とは坑内の直接夫のことと考える。














(4) Coal mines and women


  In Ube coal mine during the Taisho era, not only coal sorting worker outside the mine, but also many women in the mine's underground worked as "Atoyama".

  According to historical materials from the Taisho 14 (Kyushu Imperial University, Faculty of Engineering, Mining part 3, Kazuyuki Kato, “Okinoyama coal mine training report: the Taisho 14”), there were about 1,900 “miners” at Okinoyama coal mine.  Of these, 1,300 were male miners and 600 (31.6%) female miners.  The estimate of the number of miners at Okinoyama coal mine in Taisho 14 was about 3200 to 4100, so I think the "miners" in Kato's training report is the ”Chokusetsufu"(Digger)  in the miners.

  The woman(mainly couples) in "Sakiyama"s family were laborers who were indispensable for coal mining, and the family lived in the mine barn.  Approximately 40% of male miners are singles, and the singles lived in "Hanba"(also called "Meshiba").   ("Hanba" is a communal barn.)

  It was in the early the Showa era (around the Souwa 4-5) that women's underground labor was banned at Okinoyama coal mine.  In 1928 (Showa 3), the “Miner's Labor Assistance Rules” was revised (five-year grace period), and women's underground labor was banned.


Women's participation in the rice riot

  Toyama rice riot in the Taisho7/1918 was famous for the action of women, but in Yamaguchi Prefecture, there were few noticeable actions by women.  There is an article in the area of "Sangenya" in Osaka City, which became a large-scale riot, that a "tenth of women gathered" attacked rice store (The Mainichi Shimbun, August 13).

 Women of the mobs, (Omitting), there are two in Kyoto, seventeen in Okayama, and one in Kure. In Toyama prefecture, more than 300 women were gathered, but there was no disturbance.("A Report by Japan lawyer Association on the rice riots" .  "A Study of the So-called the rice riots incidents", pp. 468-469)


  In Ube rice riot, on the night of August 17th ,the male miners at Okinoyama coal mine demanded a wage increase ,they made a platoon and pushed out of the coal mine into the city . In addition to this, male miners from other coal mines etc. also joined, and the miners etc. attacked shops and prostitute district.  On August 18, male miners, such as Second Okinoyama Coal Mine in the morning and Higashi Mizome Coal Mine in the afternoon, rushed to the police branch in search of the release of the male miners detained in the police branch.  Male miners were forced to participate in this two-day action.  But the women miners did not participate in the push out into the city.  No woman was charged in the post-riot trial.


"The Ube Jiho", August 21, Taisho7/1918, on the 3rd page, "Great Scandal in Ube", Article of "The Great Arrestigation Begins" . “On the 19th, Police began a large-scale arrest (Omitting)   And the arrest did not stop at the miners.  The arrest also extended to mobs in the city who joined the miners and looted.  Many were already in custody, including housewives.  Among them were housewives.  Many housewives had "somen" boxes, cloths, and wooden clogs that they looted and obtained.  Such detainees seem to appear one after another.”  There is.

  Also, at the goods sales shop of Second Okinoyama coal mine, on the afternoon of the 18th, after a clerk who was afraid of a miner escaped somewhere,” Rumors spread that if you go now, the goods at the shop will be free.  From 3 pm to 4 pm, The wife and children rushed to the goods sale store, they returned with goods without permission.  For this reason, only the merchandise shelves and the display cases remained in the goods sales shop.”(Takano Yoshisuke “Comesodoki”pp.77-78)

  It is unlikely that a woman would withdraw into the coal mine barn and did nothing.  How Ube coal mining women were involved in the rice riot is a topic for future research.








東見初炭礦遭難者之墓。宇部市東梶返源山(ひがしかじがえし・げんやま)墓地。管理者撮影以下4画像。Higashimizome Coal Mine's grave for the victims. Higashikajigaeshi Genyama Cemetery in Ube City. The following 4 images taken by the administrator.
東見初炭礦遭難者之墓。宇部市東梶返源山(ひがしかじがえし・げんやま)墓地。管理者撮影以下4画像。Higashimizome Coal Mine's grave for the victims. Higashikajigaeshi Genyama Cemetery in Ube City. The following 4 images taken by the administrator.
墓碑の3面に全遭難者名が刻まれています。The names of all the victims are engraved on the three sides of the tombstone.
墓碑の3面に全遭難者名が刻まれています。The names of all the victims are engraved on the three sides of the tombstone.


Reference ≫   “Mizu Hijou” (flood accident)

  Higashi Mizome coal mine flood accident (largest accident in Ube coal mine history)

  The largest accident in the history of Ube coal mine was the flood accident that occurred at Higashi Mizome coal mine on April 12, 1915 (Taisho 4), about three years before the rice riot.  At that time, 603 people were engaged in mining at the undersea coal mine, of which 235 were killed.  The job positions and occupations of the victims were 4 clerks, 216 miners, 5 mechanical workers, and 10 bricklayers.  Many women who entered the mine as a "Atoyama" were killed in the accident.  Men were 18 to 47 years old.  (“Ube Jiho” , May 25, Taisho4/1915)

  In this accident, Fujishige Katsutaro who is"Toryo" (so-called security chief)of the office on the sea floor, ran around the mine and said to his subordinates,  "Everybody up immediately"(An flooded emergency has occurred, everyone up) .  Fujishige's courageous actions saved many lives, but he died.  This has been recorded as an article in "Ube Jiho". (“The Ube Jiho”, May 25, Taisho4/1915) 



長生炭鉱追悼ひろば Chosei Coal Mine Mourning Plaza
長生炭鉱追悼ひろば Chosei Coal Mine Mourning Plaza
旧長生炭鉱の坑道の吸気筒と排気筒。遭難者はいまだこの海底の坑道内に眠っています。Intake and exhaust pipes in the mine shaft of the former Chosei coal mine. The victim is still sleeping in this mine pits of seabed .
旧長生炭鉱の坑道の吸気筒と排気筒。遭難者はいまだこの海底の坑道内に眠っています。Intake and exhaust pipes in the mine shaft of the former Chosei coal mine. The victim is still sleeping in this mine pits of seabed .

 Related≫  Chosei Coal Mine “Mizuhijou”

  The submerged accident at Chosei Coal Mine is well known as a "Mizu Hijow (so-called water emergency)" where seawater has flowed into the tunnel.  The accident occurred during the World War II on February 3, 1942 (Showa 17) at Chosei Coal Mine in Nishikiwa, Ube City (adjacent to the Tokonami fishing port).  The accident was the second largest accident in Ube coal mine history, killing 183 miners.  136 of them were Korean miners.  Unlike Higashi Mizome Coal Mine flood accident, the pithead is closed at the time of the flood and the victims still remain asleep on the seabed, leaving challenges for the future.
